
Student Leadership

College Blog Monday, 23 Nov 2020

Earlier this term we commissioned the newly appointed Student Leadership Team for 2020-21. Each member of the team was presented with their leadership badge by Mrs Marlow. As a College we prayed that God will guide them in their crucial role that supports and builds the College community. As part of the leadership application process students considered the question “What makes a good leader?”

Jesus’ leadership style was radically different to many leaders past and present. He did not seek status or power but rather lived a life of service and challenged others to do the same. We are reminded in Philippians 2: 5-11 that our attitude should be the same as that of Jesus, who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant. Leadership should therefore be understood as servanthood under the rule and authority of God. As a result, the most important qualities of all leaders should be that of humility and a heart for service.

Student Leaders have a very important role in supporting the College Vision, “To be a Christ centred learning community that inspires and equips students to build purposeful lives.” We learn in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 that God has given each of us gifts that He wants us to use to serve Him and others. Being a student leader allows the gift of leadership to be expressed for the benefit of the whole College community. I am thankful for the positive contributions our leaders will make to College life. The Student Leadership Team will have opportunities to express their gifts across a broad range of areas. The College’s Building Purposeful Lives (BPL) framework for learning and life is a key expression of all that we value and seek to instil in the lives of all students, including our student leaders. The core values of BPL can be expressed in the following four statements.

We engage with an authentic faith. To grow our passions we reflect on feelings and motivations, the reasons for them, and whether they are helpful, as we engage passionately with our world in meaningful ways.

We manage with virtue and excellence. To grow ourselves in line with God’s purpose for us and others, we reflect on our thinking and learning processes, why we think and learn that way, and how we could manage ourselves better to bring order and value to the world.

We create from wisdom and confidence. To grow our minds we reflect on truth and on our perspective, testing what we know and how sure we are so that we can pursue opportunities to create what is good and evoke change that will bless others.

We relate through service in community. To grow our social skills we reflect on how we interact, why we interact that way, and how to improve in order to form and maintain strong, positive connections with others.

The student leaders are role models in these core values of our College and will be called upon to serve others as they relate to them, noticing needs and opportunities presented. Through the leadership application process the students have expressed the passion they have for this College. I have been greatly encouraged by listening to each of them speak about the way they want to lead and I firmly believe they will have an impact that is lasting and powerful.

The calibre of our student leaders truly fills me with optimism for our future. Please join me in upholding them in prayer as they serve our community over the next year.

The List of 2020-2021 student leaders are;

Kunwar B
Ashlee D
Brooke D
Althaia F
Maxwell H
Thomas H
Emma H
Tahlia K
Mia K
Rachel L
Esther L
Isabella L
Elijah M
Charlize S
Harry S
Katherine T
Elly T
Kai W
Steve Y
Hannah Y

Daryl Hinton
Head of Secondary Years